NASCAR Heat might be over twenty years old, but there still exists a few people who still actively race on various mods. Here is where you’ll be able to download the necessary files to take part in the community. From skin templates to race tracks, to set-ups, you’ll find them all here.
Please note, if you are downloading the SSCN Mod, this is an ‘All in One’ which includes Heat Essentials, and the Window’s 10 patch.
Game Downloads
There are two programmes you need to install first, you need to download, unzip and install Heat Essentials, and then you need to repeat the process with the Windows 10 patch.
Once you have downloaded the game and installed whichever mod you would like to play, there is an instructions page that can be viewed by clicking here.
Once you have the following installed, you’ve got the backbones of the game; now it’s time for some mods. If you’re not interested in racing in a league, there is the wonderful BriSCA Legends V2 Mod which literally has hundreds of Stock Cars from the past to play with. The good thing is, how Heat works is, you’re not stuck to one mod, you can install as many as you like as it simply keeps each one in a separate folder.
Online Racing Leagues
If you want to race online with friends or join the community there are two options for you, there’s the SSCN which races on Tuesday Nights across a few different formula including F1, F2, Loons & Historics and Hot Rods. Then on Wednesday Nights you have the Last Bend Racing League who race primarily F1.
Both leagues have differences which set the leagues apart but both can be real fun.
Last Bend Racing League
Creating Skins
If you’re wanting to take part in one of the online leagues, you’re going to want to paint your own skin. Most people use Photoshop, save the file in a particular format and then use a program to turn it into a texture, for further instructions on how to paint your cars and install the skins, click here.
Car Set-Ups
Just like in real life, having the right set up on each track can help you no end, for helpful information on how to set your own up in the garage, click here. If you join an online league and connect to their social channels, there are plenty of people who will help you out too.
Race Tracks
As standard, you will receive so many tracks by installing various mods but if there’s anything you’re missing you can click the following links to download them. Once they are downloaded, you need to cut them and copy in to the ‘run’ folder in the main NASCAR Heat folder. Unless, the track download is an install file which will need unzipping and installing.